Recommended Browsers

MS Internet Explorer 11
Mozilla Firefox 41
Google Chrome 45
Opera 27
Apple Safari 9

Why doesn’t my web browser display the website properly?

To support as wide a range of browsers as possible and allow users of all abilities (including those with a visual impairment or physical disability) to access this website, it has been developed according to recognised standards set down by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). One of these standards is for the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3) so that the site supports any browser that in turn supports this standard. Some browsers, particularly earlier versions, either do not or only partially support, this standard. These browsers might not display the text and graphics properly.

It is strongly recommended that you upgrade your browser to its latest version. Later versions of browsers often have higher levels of security and better functions. Most browser suppliers will allow you to upgrade for free. Visit your browser’s website below, to find out about the latest versions and to download them:

Browser Settings – Increasing text size

Some users find screen text easier to read by increasing the size that the text is displayed. Click on your respective browser to find out how to increase the size of the text:

Screen Resolution

Our website has a responsive layout that looks great on mobile and tablet devices. Images and text should scale down automatically depending on your screen resolution.

Screen Colours

Depending on your computer you can also control the number of colours displayed on your screen. The site looks at its best with 16-bit colour (65,356 colours or thousands of colours depending on your operating system).